Admission to Hospital: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Navigating the process of admission to hospital can be daunting, whether it's a planned procedure or an emergency situation. From the initial check-in at the admitting section to settling into your room, understanding what to expect can help alleviate some of the anxiety and ensure a smoother experience.

In this blog post, we will offer tips on how to prepare, and provide insights into what you can anticipate during your stay. Whether you're a patient or a caregiver, this guide will help you feel more confident and informed as you enter the hospital.

The hospital requirements for admission varies from one hospital to another. This post will serve as a guide on the things you need during your hospital stay.

Pre-Hospital Preparations

Reserve a Room

Most of the time, the hospitals are working at full capacity, making it difficult to secure a room. It is good practice to reserve in advance. The admitting section personnel usually accommodate patients scheduled for surgery, but it is best to reserve and be admitted a day or two prior to the scheduled surgery. For government hospitals, don’t forget to also call to follow up and know your status in the queue.

Secure Outpatient Clearances

For elective surgery, especially for General Surgery, patients are often required to be cleared by their cardiologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, etc., prior to surgery on an outpatient basis. This saves time and reduces costs.

For neurosurgery, we prefer our labs and imaging to be updated. This is why we ask our patients to be admitted at least a day before surgery. Clearances from other doctors are also requested during the current admission to ensure they are aware and on board if any problems arise during or after surgery.

Stop Anti-Coagulant Medications

Bleeding during surgery is a major concern. It is recommended to stop taking your anti-coagulant a week prior to surgery. These medications include Aspirin, Clopidogrel, and NOACs like Apixaban.

Hospital Documentary Requirements

Your Doctor’s Admitting Order

Your doctor will provide you with an Admitting Order Sheet, which includes instructions on the necessary tests and medications required at the time of admission. This admitting order may consist of a comprehensive list of instructions or just preliminary guidelines pending further evaluation. When you arrive at the hospital, present this sheet to the Admitting Section to be assigned a room. Once a room becomes available, you will proceed directly to it. This process is known as a Direct Admission.

Valid Government-Issued Identification Card

To fulfill the hospital’s documentary requirements, the hospital staff will need to gather and verify the patient’s personal information using a valid government-issued ID. Therefore, it’s advisable for both the patient and their watcher to have a photocopy of their ID ready.

PhilHealth Member Data Record and ID

If you are a PhilHealth member, your PhilHealth Member’s Data Record (MDR) or PhilHealth ID is necessary for coverage. This documentation is crucial for processing PhilHealth deductions. Make sure to have a photocopy of this document prepared in advance.

Letter of Authority or Letter of Guarantee from HMO/Company

For patients with a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Card, it is essential to secure a Letter of Authority from your health provider before elective admission. Similarly, if the patient’s company sponsors the admission, a Letter of Guarantee will be required.

COVID Swab and Chest X-ray Results

Since different hospitals have varying protocols regarding COVID-19, it is important to check the specific requirements in advance. Some hospitals may require a COVID test, while others might accept a normal chest X-ray if the patient is asymptomatic. To avoid any surprises, inquire with the admitting section when you reserve a room, and ask about the necessary requirements for both the patient and the watcher.


admission to hospital - go bag

Medical Records

Laboratory Results

To reduce the likelihood of incurring additional costs, some doctors may request that laboratory tests be completed as outpatients prior to hospital admission. When admitted, make sure to have photocopies of your blood test results readily available. This will help avoid the need to repeat the same tests.

Imaging Results

If you’ve had imaging tests done as an outpatient or at another institution, it’s important to bring those results with you. Tests such as ultrasounds, X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs should be readily accessible and not left at home. While some patients bring only the printed reports, it’s preferable to have the actual imaging films or plates. If those are unavailable, a digital copy on CD/DVD will suffice. Having these on hand facilitates comparison with any current studies that may be requested.

List of Medications

To ensure smooth communication and monitoring, prepare a list of all the medications you are currently taking. This list should include the medication name, dosage, form, and timing. Organizing your medications in the following format can be helpful:

  • Atorvastatin – Lipitor – 20mg/tablet – 1 tablet at bedtime
  • Omeprazole – Losec – 20mg/tablet – 1 tablet after breakfast

Medical History

To minimize the repetitive questions often asked by different medical personnel, consider typing out your medical history in advance. Commonly asked questions include:

  • Allergies to medication or food
  • Previous surgeries and histopathologic findings
  • Other illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, tumors, etc.
  • Cigarette and alcohol intake
  • Vaccination status for children

Having this information prepared can streamline your admission process and ensure that all relevant details are communicated effectively.


Personal Items


While hospitals often provide basic items as part of the Hospital Admission Kit, it’s still a good idea to bring your own toiletries. Items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb/brush, and sanitary napkins can make your stay more comfortable.

Change of Clothes

Although you’ll mostly be wearing a hospital gown, you might prefer bringing loose, easy-to-access clothes for added comfort. Depending on the hospital’s policy, you may also be allowed to bring your own towels and blankets, though some hospitals may not permit these items. Additionally, if you tend to get cold easily, don’t forget to pack socks and a jacket.

Phone Charger

Since patients in the ICU are not allowed to have watchers, it can become quite lonely. Staying connected through your mobile phone is important, so be sure to have your charger handy to keep your phone powered.

Plates, Utensils, and Cups

Eating from disposable containers with disposable utensils can add to the discomfort of hospital food. To make mealtime a bit more pleasant, consider bringing your own plates, utensils, and cups. Also, don’t forget to bring dishwashing soap and a sponge for cleaning up afterward.


Watcher’s Must-Have

Mobile Phone

Since there are often various reasons to contact the watcher, it’s important to leave your phone number with the nurse. This ensures that they can reach you if you need to step out for a while.


Keeping a petty cash fund is essential for unexpected purchases. Be prepared, as you may be asked to buy items that aren’t available in the hospital pharmacy. This is particularly common in government hospitals.



Louie Gayao MD



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